Wednesday 19 February 2014

Primary Periodic Paralyses

Periodic paralysis

It is also known as Myoplegia paroxysmal. It is a cluster of infrequent hereditary illnesses that lead to faintness or paralysis (rarely death) from public causes such as heat, cold, high carbohydrate meals, not eating, or excitement stress and physical activity of any kind. 

These incidents include a provisional incapability to move muscles in the legs and arms. Attacks cause plain paralysis or weakness that typically continues from hours to days.

This illness is remarkably problematic to analyze.


Cure of the periodic paralyses typically comprises carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, captivating and potassium-sparing diuretic (for hypos a supplemental oral potassium chloride) or evading potassium (for hyper), thiazide diuretics to upsurge the quantity of potassium excreted by the kidneys (for Hyper),

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