Tuesday 5 November 2013

Aicardi Syndrome

How Aircadi Syndrome Effects Retina?

Aircadi Syndrome is a genetic disorder which effects retina of eye, among its wide range of symptoms and effects. This disease is caused because of lack of corpus collosum in the brain.

How to Identify this Syndrome through Retinal Abnormalities?
Few of the eye / retinal abnormalities are specific to this disorder and hence it can be identified by seeing the eye of the person. Lacunae of the retina are specific in this syndrome. Morning glory syndrome optic disc anomaly is also seen in this disorder.

What is the Range of Aircardi Syndrome Prognosis?
Prognosis of this syndrome is different from case to case, depending up on the range of symptoms. Most of the patients have been reported of delay in development, sometimes leading to intellectual disability also.

What is the Cure for Aircardi Syndrome?

Since it is a genetic disorder, there is no cure for this kind of syndrome.  Treatment might include management of seizures and intervention programs for delays in development. 

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